November kicks off with Chad’s birthday. We got together with a few friends and went to The Fillin’ Station. When we got back to my apartment we had cupcakes from a bakery in town called Ann Olivia’s Sweet Shop a.k.a DELICIOUS.

My FAVORITE band came to Memphis. Needtobreath! They are a Christian band and I love their sound. I was able to be right in front! AHH I still can’t believe I got to see them. The concert was unforgettable.
On to Thanksgiving! (The best food holiday EVER… and let me tell ya, I’M THANKFUL) J My family had a lot going on this Thanksgiving, several sick family members and my grandmother had surgery on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. So needless to say we didn’t really have a plan for the holiday. I was so excited when Chad told me his family was getting together for lunch because his parents take southern cooking to the extreme. I hope I can pick up their cooking skills one day. I had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and I am so lucky to have my friends and family.
I am ready for Christmas now, most of my shopping is done and my decorations are

up! This is my first year to have my own place and I had been waiting to get my first tree. I’m not really sure why I was so excited about that but I was. HAHA I have my apartment all decorated now with my cute tree and my snow village. My grandmother has gotten me a piece of the Dept.56 Snow Village for Christmas since I was old enough to appreciate them. I didn’t set them all out this year, but I’m very proud of my little village. J
(My wreath I made!)
Well I think that wraps it up! Hope everyone has a good week. Here is the song I’ve been singing all day. (If you know me well, you know that I can take anything someone says and turn it into a song. I’m sure it can be aggravating but I consider it a talent!! ;D )