Yay. I am officially joining the bandwagon of bloggers! I don’t even know where to start because these past few months have been full of new adventures for me
I took a summer trip to Orange Beach with a couple of friends and my family! We had a great time without hardly any bad weather and no oil insight. We played putt-putt, soaked up the sun, hunted crabs, and of course ate tons of seafood. We were all sad to leave.
I got an apartment and I was so uneasy about it that first week… Having bills and responsibility is a bit overwhelming for me but everything is going great and I absolutely love having my own place! I finally have my cable turned on and all my pictures hung thanks to my wonderful dad. It’s feeling much more like home now.
My Dad and I just recently did our very first triathlon and boy was it hard. Way harder than I had anticipated. We arrive in Oxford about 5:30a.m. bright and early with a pit in my stomach from being nervous. We walk in to get registered and as if I wasn’t nervous enough I then see the “REAL Tri-Athletes.” These people look like their skin is spray-painted onto their beautifully toned mussels… not an ounce of fat on these crazy people. I just start thinking to myself, “What have I gotten myself into!” Haha Then we go outside and there they were… NORMAL PEOPLE HORRAY! Tons of people just like me… Beginners. Everything went great Dad and I finished and can mark triathlon off our to-do list! I will defiantly be doing one next summer!

Alrighty then that’s my first post and hopefully many more to come. Have a wonderful day everyone!
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